You have chosen the World and the 6 of Swords. You're making progress. You're going into calmer times. You've allowed someone to help you and lead you there. This person is inspiring you and you feel stimulated into taking action for you've seen there's another way. You're allowing someone else to take over for a little while and you're watching, waiting and learning and recovering from an unsettling period. This has been a passage away for you. It's been enlightening. You're moving into a direction you had no experience or knowledge of before and so you're learning by watching other people and allowing them to take over for a little while, learning more about who you are. The World card is a wonderful card, for it's about organising and preparing for future events. It's a card of personal achievement and total success. You're now realising some potential and ambitions that you have. It's allowing you to have your desires fulfilled for you're expanding more than you thought was possible. The World is opening up and you are seeing what you're capable of and what you could take and where you could go. This is about the wealth of knowledge that makes us feel happy for we need something to help us move forwards towards our goals. We need to know what those goals are first, though. You're now realising there's more expansion than you thought possible. You're being inspired. The World card works with the Planet Saturn which is about creating something that we see as solid, an enduring structure that will stand the test of time and show that we have proved ourselves. It's the kind of thing where we want some sort of respect from seeing that we've done a job really well and the sense of self satisfaction of knowing that we've really done our best, so this is the kind of thing that makes us want to possess our own home or move to another location to show that we're on the move and that we're working towards our personal desires and goals and we're achieving them and doing really well. So, this is a time for you to look at whether you want travel, ownership of something, whether you want to succeed in the wealth of knowledge or whether you want to own something that you feel would inspire you to work really hard towards the next stage. Saturn is all about time and experience being the only teacher that helps us extract some really important lessons by watching other people and being enlightened. It can only happen with time and experience for everything comes to he who waits. You know the harder you work the better the results will be.