You have chosen the World and the 6 of Pentacles. The 6 of Pentacles explains that you are someone who is very good at offering the hand of friendship to others. You are someone that works best for, with and on behalf of other people. The help that you give to other people is extremely empathetic and you are capable of dealing with very tough situations where people are demeaned, demoralised or feel that they are being given some sort of support or charity. The welfare of others has always been something that stimulates you. You possibly have had a situation that is similar yourself at some point in your life where you have the diplomacy and empathy to help others who are perhaps in a far worse situation than you found yourself involved in at one time or another but you are able to help others, get results extremely quickly for the World shows that you are someone who has a duty to organising and preparing for future events particularly when it comes to others in need for the World is all about your own personal development and success. You are starting to achieve ultimate success in your own personal ambitions and everlasting goals. This is something that you have not really planned on. It is something that you are deeply, deeply drawn towards. It makes you feel a sense of self worth and fulfilment. You are capable of gaining more expansion within this field than you ever thought possible. Your achievements can take you on to a wealth of knowledge and travel which supports you in your lifestyle making the contentment and happiness that you desire so worthwhile. You've learned from experience and you have made mistakes but you've learnt to avoid what happens and people have a very high opinion of you - you are reliable and responsible and you are able to get results from people who are in positions of authority. You are gaining respect and claiming everything with your projects. There can be small delays in what you want to achieve but never be disheartened for you're always able to keep you goals and objectives going and are able to have a contract and think of positive ways forwards so that the harder that you work towards this the better you will fare. The only thing to remember is do not underestimate your own abilities for this will lead to you feeling restricted when in actual fact the message here is all about learning from experience.