You have chosen the World and the 6 of Cups. You have been feeling nostalgic and have some memories from the past come flooding back. This is probably to do with your homeland or people around you that are from your childhood days. Perhaps you've feeling lonely, homesick or looking back and reminiscing, for there are people around you that you no longer see. You may want the memories from your childhood to come back but maybe you're only choosing to see what you want. Maybe those days are not as rosy as you think and you must put the past where it belongs and look forward to the future. It is ok to be nostalgic but it is important to look forward to the future. The World is a card that rules itself by the Planet Saturn which deals with orders and limitations within our world. It's your duty to go out, organise and prepare for your own future events so the World is telling you to look at the personal successes you've achieve and to continue to move towards your goal. This is about the personal desire and fulfilment that you want for yourself. There's more expansion to be made, more than you thought actually. This is a great card of achievement. This symbolises travel, wealth and education. This is all about trying to show that we can create something that's solid and definitely long lasting. The World is a card that makes us want to create something that's long lasting and that is the kind of thing that makes us want to possess our own home. We want others to see how hard we have worked and what we've achieved. It's a sense of self worth and self satisfaction that we know that we've created something that is working for us and doing something that we feel is something of a complex and solid structure which shows other people that we have a desire to work extremely hard and collect our financial or material gain. We're showing that we are dedicated and have the time and the experience and the knowledge to make something that we care about valuable.