You have chosen the World and the Knight of Wands. The World is a card of personal success. It's about the achievement and the ambitions that you work towards. It's about reaching top goal and going on further with ambitions more than you thought had the expansion or potential to go for. Your personal desires are fulfilled with your achievements, particularly when it's linked with the Knight of Wands, for this is a travel card which shows that you are able to move and re-locate smoothly and easily. There's big, important travel news arriving towards you for you have got to go on adventures and keep moving and taking more action in. you are someone that loves new enterprise and you're very happy to be physically doing anything that causes you to feel that you're moving forwards. You love adventures, especially tangible ones, it's about the comings and goings, particularly things that happen on the ground for the outdoors is really important. You're physically creative and you really do have lots of hard work and attention to detail but there's a little gap in your wisdom which means there's more experience to be gained. This is no fault of your own. It is just about learning from experience and you need a little bit more of that. You're quite under-developed in that respect. You've got to think what went wrong before and how you can avoid doing the same thing wrong in the future. You've got to be reliable and responsible, especially if you want to impress people at the top, particularly with professional and prestigious projects. You need the people's respect so you've got to stop under estimating your own abilities and don't be scared of failure. Be nice to yourself, you can only believe in the lessons that you've learned, everything comes to he who waits. You will get your results and the rewards that you've been searching for but it's down to hard work and you've a little bit more yet to do. You'll receive from others what you've given out and you've just not done enough work quite yet so, a little bit more hard work and the better the results will be. You're happy with that because you love to keep moving around, particularly if you're used to concentrating on certain subjects. You're now going with a need to concentrate on one and to take it in and try and create something solid, respectful and enduring, which will get and gain the respect of your efforts and show people exactly how self sufficient you've become.