You have chosen the World and the Queen of Cups. The World is a wonderful card, for it shows the personal success that you've achieved within your life. It works with the Planet Saturn which is about the order and limitations that take place, the things that we feel duty bound to organise and prepare for future events. You're starting to reach a goal in your personal ambitions and this goal takes you through your desires and fulfilments. There's more expansion that you thought possible. This is to do with a relationship that you have that symbolises the achievement between the two of you where you're starting to realise that your knowledge has proved it's value and strength over a period of time. Saturn helps us to symbolise the need to create something solid and enduring. You may be thinking of wanting to possess your home together for you're starting to realise that you have done something very well and that it must go on to the next stage so you are starting to think about taking some risks in your emotional and material resources. You've worked out that time and experience is doing really well for you as a couple. You are someone who is loving, caring and compassionate and you have a real love of people. You're creative with an eye for detail and you're someone who commands the respect of those around you. You have mastered a lot of skills and you're moving on, becoming more and more emotionally expressive, allowing yourself to have an emotional island in which you can feel safe. The message to you here is about learning from experience and thinking about what's gone wrong for you in the past and how you can now avoid doing the same thing in the future. You need to be reliable and responsible; this will help you with your own abilities. The only thing to fear is being frightened of failure. You need to be kinder to yourself and stop under estimating your own abilities. The more you believe in yourself, the more success and happiness will follow, for the lessons you've learned has caused you to realise comes to he who waits and you're about t receive your dividends. You will receive now what you've given out so the harder you've worked the better the results will be, especially when it comes to wanting this relationship to really work.