You have chosen the World and the Page of Wands. The World is a wonderful card for it shows the personal success and achievements of what you've wanted for yourself. The World works with the Planet Saturn which is about organising and preparing for future events. It's about your duties and obligations and the limits that you have in realising where you've gone wrong in the past so that you don't repeat the same mistakes in the future. It's a really good time so you're reaching top goal now, especially in your own personal ambitions and they've got more potential and fulfilment that you've actually dreamed of. There's more expansion going on here. There's more travel, there's more wealth and knowledge. You're learning and you are able to do anything really that you want to. Indeed this is quite a good lifestyle you've got. It shows that this is linked with adventures so there are lots of adventures, the comings and goings of tangible actions are right there. There's travel, movement, enthusiasm, creativity and physically hard work. The Page of Wands is telling you that you can go further and further a field with this particularly if you're prepared to look at foreign travel. You've got very fixed focus and you'll do extremely well. You know that you're limited in knowledge but you will move on. There's no way you can get knowledge without experience and you've got plenty of that, it's just anything new will require you to start at the beginning but you have the energy and the extrovert nature which that's boisterous enough to take it on board. You're someone that needs people to listen to what you've got to say and better still if they look at you. You're very good at communications. You need to keep developing things in which you feel give purpose to life. Saturn is also about symbolising your need to create something solid and enduring so it's about portraying your need to preserve what's proved its worth to you. It's the kind of thing that says you want to show that you've done ok, by wanting to possess or own something that gains the respect of those around you for a job well done. This is something of an achievement when it comes to knowledge and power. The lesson here is to learn from experience and thing about what went wrong in the past and so you can avoid doing the same thing wrong in the future. Don't under estimate your abilities or be frightened of failure. Be really kind to yourself, believe in yourself and success is definitely yours.