You have chosen the World and the Page of Swords. The World is the card of personal success which deals with ultimate success and achievement. It's about the top goal in your own personal ambitions and your everlasting goals. It deals with the order and limitations that go on in our world and it is your duty to organise and prepare for your future events. This is a world wide personal desire and fulfilment so it is not small, it is huge. Expansion is what's necessary and you've got to think bit. This is about achieving. It's to do with travel, a symbol of wealth, health, knowledge and abundance. It's about realising that you've learnt all your lessons and you're totally filled with spiritual awareness. Things have come to you because you've waited and you've worked hard and now you're working towards the success. You've realised the harder you work the better the results have been, particularly where study has been concerned and you receive from others what you give out even though it may not come from the person you expect. You may have been experiencing some minor setbacks where things have been quite a nuisance for you. This may have been linked to gossip or things that irritated you or annoyed you from other people. This to-ing and fro-ing has made you feel slightly on edge. This is because you sometimes feel that you are beholden to other people but you've got to get clever and realise that other people do not matter but you do. This is what you want, not how you're going to impress other people. You're now realising this from experience that you must do things yourself and although you care and think about other people you cannot keep all the people happy all the time so think about where things went wrong and try to avoid making the same mistake again. You can only deal with your own reliability and your responsibility whether it's professional or personal. Don't underestimate your own abilities. The only thing to be scared of is being frightened and fear is what stops you from success so be kinder to yourself, believe in yourself. You have succeeded and happiness comes with that success and satisfaction and knowing yourself.