You have chosen the World and the Page of Cups. This is a time for you to have lots of personal success. The World card is all about the ultimate success and achievement as possible. This is about reaching the top goals of your own personal ambitions and the world wide potential of your own personal desires being fulfilled. It's about expanding on what you've dreamed of and making it happen even more than you thought possible. It's about you're achievements so you must organise and prepare yourself for future events. It's about travel, wealth, knowledge, happiness, health and having a grand lifestyle. It's a massive travel card. The world is your oyster whether you wish to earn money, learn a language or opt to live a complete different way of life, such as being part of a community or looking for another culture or religion. It doesn't matter, this is about what you want and you are making it happen for the 8 of Cups is saying that you have a vivid imagination and that you do have a tendency to day-dream and that you become infatuated very quickly with people or projects, perhaps exactly what you need to do. You need to be flamboyant, to be frothy and to enjoy life, to grab it and not be too serious with anything unless you wish to be. Do things that make you happy for your own personal development and one that no longer makes you happy, it's time to stop, close the chapter and start something else. It's the taking part and the exploring that's exciting. As soon as it's lived it's sell by date, it's time to move on. Do not feel you have to stick with everything just because other people do. Lots of people would be very happy to have an attitude that is so gentle, happy, good natured, easy going. When you're happy with what you have found you will be able to create something solid and enduring which gives you a structure in which you can feel that you are safe. You will then go on to preserve what you've proved has its value and strength to you. The World card is working in conjunction with the Planet Saturn. Saturn is the planet that makes us want to possess our own home and gain the respect for your efforts and achievements. This describes your desire to see everything and make them prove themselves, so you can take risks and enjoy the emotional, mental and physical experiences that only time, experience and knowledge can be the true teachers of and finally, it is on its way to you for you do deserve to receive the rewards where you've worked really hard. Go on and appreciate and admire your own efforts while you climb up the ladder of success. You will be attracting the correct attention from people who are happy to help you and lead you onto the next step. This is definitely a time for fulfilment. It is an extremely positive time.