You have chosen the World and the Knight of Swords. The World is a card that is about organising and preparing for future events. It's ruled by the Planet Saturn which is about ordering and limitations. It's our duty to plan. This is a card of personal success and it's planning the success and achievements that you're involved in. It's to do with your top goal within your personal ambitions and realising that this fulfilment is worldwide. That means there is more expansion that you thought possible. This is about achieving whether it's linked with travel, wealth, knowledge, health, happiness. It's a grand lifestyle - you're someone that's always on the go and you are very shrewd and in search of more knowledge but sometimes you're a little impetuous and you're keen to get things done quickly. This unpredictability can sometimes mean that you miss the boat for you are someone who bores very easily and doesn't always have the staying power. You yo-yo backwards and forwards from one event to the other but that has suited you. Now you must think: do you want to see things through to completion? If you do these cards would strongly ask you to be involved with a group of people with similar values and ideals. This will give you the staying power you need for you fear isolation and through this social interaction you will find your defence mechanism. You have very good moral standards for you are someone that works really well around other people. You need the stimulation of the debate and discussion that gives you the support and strength of character to be who you really are. It is important that you learn from your experience and think about what's gone wrong in the past so you can avoid making the same mistakes in the future. You really are currently quite reliable and responsible so you should impress the right people. Try not to underestimate your own abilities, and the only thing to fear is fear. Be kinder to yourself, believe in yourself and success will follow providing you continue to work towards your top goal. If you keep working really hard you will receive the rewards you've been looking for but you will only receive from others what you give out. The harder you work the better the results will be, particularly when this comes to study. Concentrating will really, really, work well and be much better than the usual flitting from one topic to another.