You have chosen the World and the King of Wands. The World is a card of personal success. It's about the ultimate goals that you've achieved within your life and the expansion to add to that for the World is ruled by the Planet Saturn which deals with our duty to organise and prepare for future personal events particularly those of ambition. It's about realising the limitations that order our world and going from one knowledge, wealth and achievement. This leads to our happiness and ultimately our health because it is linked with the Wand family it talks about the adventures and creations to do with your working world. It shows that there is much that you can still achieve even though you are doing really well. You are someone that has the right balance and you are always looking to start something new. You love being stimulated. You're always on a mission. You like to be in charge and indeed, you should be a boss. You're physically active and don't mind working extremely hard. You have a fixed focus and that can be quite right but you are creative and adventurous and you gain the respect of those around but you've always been ambitious and you've learnt a lot of lessons. You know that if you keep being innovative you have total fulfilment and spiritual enlightenment. You know that the rewards you receive are along the way, for you enjoy hard work and you like working on full steam. You receive from others what you give out which is a lot and you work extremely hard. You are someone that doesn't mind being in charge and you long to run the show as long as you're in charge and you can be free to strive for independence in the field of work in which you're working, this will be good for you need the freedom to keep making decisions and breaking new ground. You are full of dash, drama and you're quite impulsive. You have learned though that you have a short supply of patience. It's not because you're lazy, it's just that you're likely to abandon the goal before it's achieved. You've got to learn from Saturn that you need the ability to wait for things to ripen in their very own time.