You have chosen the World and the 4 of Wands. The 4 of Wands deals with the material security of life. It is to do with the environment around you and the consolidation of working together as a team, possibly with your family or with a business partner. It is a very positive card to have; it deals with house moves, property investments, consolidation and material security, or the making of a home for your family. Linked with the World it shows that you are personally succeeding your goals in life. These are not just personal goals but goals that affect your family, your friends, your job, your career. For the World is ruled by the Planet Saturn which deals with the order and limitations and the duty of organising and preparing for future events. It's about success and achievement, of looking back at what you have done with your personal ambitions and realising that you are able to create more than you thought was possible. Your personal desires and fulfilment are expanding more than you thought possible. This is a massive achievement card. It is also the symbol of travel, wealth and knowledge. It shows that you can climb the ladder of success and have a fantastic life-style, for Saturn is the planet that deals with our needs to create something solid and enduring. It makes us go towards wanting to possess our own house, to gain respect for all our efforts and to show others how hard we have worked to achieve. It's about our pride in being self sufficient and it's a sense of self respect that we have in realising we've done something well and that we've rewarded ourselves with something that makes us feel safe and secure. Saturn is all about the material resources that only time and experiences are able to be our true teacher. You have certainly worked hard and it is time now for you to feel that you have provided yourself with something valuable you appreciate and feel will make you feel safe such as a property. This gives you the material security that you've been striving for, because you're reliable and responsible or capable of winning respect from friends and family by providing them with the material security that makes them feel safe and provided for.