You have chosen the World and the 3 of Swords. The 3 of Swords shows that you have been through sorrowful times. This past is behind you, but it haunts you from time to time. Your situation is coming to a conclusion and you have suffered. You've made many sacrifices and you've been through some quite difficult times, but the 3 of Swords is telling you this is in a past position. It is acknowledging you've been through this but is showing that you're now creative towards your future. The World card works with the Planet Saturn and part of its message is to learn from experience for time and experiences are the only true teachers. You need to think what went wrong and try to avoid doing the same thing again. You're now experienced and responsible and you are able to look at your own abilities and not to fear failure. You're being kinder to yourself and you believe in yourself. This is all about you need to create something solid and enduring in which you feel that you can live in peace and harmony. The World works with the Planet Saturn which is about our need to preserve something that time and experience have been testing. It's about wanting us to move on and gain the respect for all our efforts and to show people that we've been self sufficient and worked extremely hard and have something to show for it. Something that is solid and enduring. It's the kind of thing where people want to show that they are making good by owning their homes, the clothes and the cards that they drive and the World card is showing you how to prepare for future events and that you must order your world into an ambition where you feel that you are achieving your goal. The expansion for this is more than you ever thought possible. You can go on to travel, educate yourself, move up in the world, change direction in any course you see fit for you have gained knowledge and experience and you know that you are working hard towards your future that only you can be responsible for, for you need to have the confidence to invest in the present for the future.