You have chosen the World and the 4 of Pentacles. The 4 of Pentacles explains that you are someone that is quite materialistic in their approach to life and to you everything is about consolidation of possessions finances and money. You are someone who thinks about money, feels money, tastes money, sees money and hoards money. It's got to stop. You really do need to think about something else as well. Perhaps you're insecure as a person; perhaps you're involved in real estate or financial things that cause you to think everything revolves around materialistic desires and games. It might do for some but is it really satisfying you. The World card is here to rescue you. You've got to start looking at the order and limitations within your life and yes, you do need to take your duties seriously and organise your finances but there is preparation for future events that goes with the rest of the balance of your life. Where is your sense of fun? Do you have achievements? Have you succeeded in them? And that does not mean linked with work or money. What about your own personal ambitions and goals? Those things called hobbies, those interests. This could be the simple fact of learning a new hobby, a sport, a travel, to a far away place or a local place. It could be getting involved with charities, organisations, fun runs, anything. Playing the guitar, reading a certain book, finding out more on the web site about certain aspects of astrology, numerology, sports and languages. It is about what an individual has within their make up that they wish to develop and explore, and the 4 of Pentacles shows that you've been out of balance and spending far too much time in one area, the materialistic side that you're driven by. This has been fine for a while but you seriously need to look at being balanced. Too much of anything is not good for anybody so it's time to pat yourself on the back, realise what you've done is excellent but it's now time to jump into something else that stimulates you in whichever direction you want it to take. The World card works in conjunction with the Planet Saturn and Saturn is what makes us want to possess our own respect for our efforts and defend ourselves against those who try and take what we've worked hard for. It's about having respect and self worth in having done something really well, not for anyone but ourselves. It lets us take risks with our intelligence, our emotional outlook and with you your material resources but it's about being in balance so you have to make a commitment on many levels, not just one and you will find that your personal development leaves you feeling fulfilled.