You have chosen the World and the 5 of Cups. The 5 of Cups shows there was emotional disappointment in your life and that you experienced a partial loss. This is the mourning of a loss of a relationship. You need not worry because there are far more exciting relationship around the corner for you, but you have feelings of being let down that knocked your confidence because things didn't live up to your expectations; this led to you being in a bit of a rut. The World card is transforming your outlook because it deals with the Planet Saturn. Saturn orders everything around us and places limitations on what we feel we can achieve within our life. It is about duty and organisation in preparation for our future events. The World talks about our personal success and by achieving our success we are able to be ambitious and be able to expand more than we ever thought possible which only through time and experience are we allowed making such decisions. We have to prove our value and strength over time. There is a need to create solid and enduring structures from which we can live peacefully. We always want to possess our own house to gain respect from the community or from our efforts, and defend ourselves when others try to take from us what we have worked so hard to achieve. So this is about our pride in self sufficiency and the sense of self respect that we gain in having done something extremely well. The World isn't about important dimensions where we create things that make us feel safe, but they must be tested. We have to work things out for ourselves and sometimes the necessity to separate ourselves and be self reliant is vital so the World card is asking you to trust in your own abilities and to realise that you will receive the reward and recompenses that you deserve because you have been working full steam ahead on your projects. All that hard graft is going to come to a point where you will appreciate and admire your own efforts particularly if you're trying to climb up the ladder of success.