You have chosen the World and the 8 of Swords. The 8 of Swords talks about restrictions in your world. It means that you're feeling a victim of your own circumstances. You're feeling all tied up and your problems are relating to not dealing with matters earlier on. You should have sorted out matters then. You're now choosing to bury your head in the sand and not see things clearly at all. This could be quite tricky. Things seem to be getting a little bit worse and you need to just take off the blindfold and see things as they are and to realise you should have sorted things out and things wouldn't feel in such a muddle. The restriction is generally in your thought process, for you tend to just sweep things away, forget about them and hope they'll go away. The World is telling you that it's time to get some order into your world. You have a duty to organise and prepare for future events from now on. It's time for you to look at the limitations you have and to realise that you can change a lot of that for the World is telling you that you can succeed in taking some responsibility for your actions. Ultimately you can succeed and achieve whatever you want, but it's about organising and preparing. You've got to look at what you want in your own life and stop drifting and stop blaming everyone and everything for what's happening. It's time to reach for a top goal in your own personal ambition and make it an everlasting success. You've got potential; you're just sometimes too blindfolded to want to bother to see any further. There's more expansion that you thought possible, it's time to look at achieving some knowledge and feeling that you're travelling towards a successful achievement within your own personal ambition.