You have chosen the World and the Ace of Wands. The World is ruled by the Planet Saturn. It's about order and limitations within everybody's life. It's about our duty towards organisation and preparation for future events. It is ultimately the card of personal success. It shows the successes and achievements that you have gained. It's about your own personal ambitions and everlasting goals; reaching your top goal is vital for world wide personal desire and fulfilment. You have more expansion that you ever thought possible. Your achievements are going further than you ever dreamed and the Ace of Wands is showing you there is a new beginning associated with work. This is usually to do with a small group of people that is just the start of a brand new action. There is a new offer and a new enterprise being offered to you here which has plenty of growth and a new beginning. It is a good offer, very fertile, maybe you want to start your own business, maybe you are thinking of moving jobs or going for promotion. Either way, it is brave of you to consider this new enterprise and energy. You are realising that you need to create something solid in which you can live peacefully and in accord to the limits that you impose upon your own life. You are looking to gain respect for your efforts and defend yourself against anyone who tries to take from you that that you've worked so hard to achieve. You are looking for the sense of self respect that you would gain in having done something extremely well. This is how the world works for it describes our desires, see something come together that will make us feel safe. You're being asked to put your current spirit of adventure and enterprise into your energy and turn it into an ambition. Do what you think pleases you most, especially if it's something new - you really will surprise yourself here because you'll find that you're very creative. Go for something that you have never tried. It's about being assertive, enthusiastic and most of all, optimistic. You are a creative and hard worker and your confidence will do you well in the future. The World shows that your project, through hard work, will come to splendid results, more than you thought possible. There's room for more expansion that you'd ever dreamed was possible for you are creative and innovative and hard working and you're not scared of getting your hands dirty. You are capable of being reliable and responsible. This is enough to succeed with your new project and impress the people around you who you will need the support of. You will win their respect and World will make sure that you learn from your experience and that will do you well, the knowledge for your future venture with your enterprise.