You have chosen the Tower and the 3 of Swords. The Tower is a card that's unsettling for it has sudden interventions. All the foundations you know are now being uprooted. Things have changed quickly, suddenly and fast. It can feel quite negative and this is all to do with the 3 of Swords explaining you must leave your past behind. The past was loss and heartbreak and it haunted you. You were stuck in it. Your situation has recurred so many times that you feel stuck, resentful and frustrated and lacking in anything that was to do with the future for you were stuck right there in the past. But the 3 of Swords is explaining that you're moving on for this is a past position and it explains there's plenty of creative influences coming your way. Your way of thinking is changing out of the blue, like a bolt of lightening, you have to make decisions and fast. This is because the Tower is linked to the planet Mars which is to do with the energy and the drive and assertion that is necessary to get things moving. The positive effects that are coming out of the negative are here and thing wont the be the same any more. Plenty of good is coming out of this; it's just that all change is an adjustment period and difficult. You have to realise now that out of this has come lots of good for you are now seeing things clearly and you're no longer under the delusion or illusion of certain people around you. You're being much more honest with yourself and you're learning about how you are being asked to make these changes so quickly and finding that your energy and drive is quite assertive, quite powerful in face. There are so many sweeping changes coming your way. You're adopting a complete different outlook. Much more positive and much more spiritual. The changes are a little bit more mental than physical at this moment in time but you've got the desire and that means you're refining your ideas before you start co-operating with the plans you need to make. Things may be a little bit erratic - you'll need to be disciplined and very versatile in the way you make these changes but there's something so interesting coming into life that you will feel inspired and directed by the surge of energy and enthusiasm that makes you more enterprising than ever before. It's time to know who you are and to make a name for yourself. It's time to be the leader and certainly not the follower. It's about being as quick off the mark as possible and getting what you want and realising you have to rely on yourself to defend yourself emotionally, physically and spiritually and seeing yourself as an entirely separate individual.