You have chosen the Tower and the 10 of Wands. The 10 of Wands shows that you are working too hard and it relates to your career or your job. You're carrying a complete burden and because you are so shattered and tired you can't see the woods for the trees. You've been too proud and independent to ask for any help. You need to go back and delegate. This load is too heavy for one person. You will suffer back problems or ill health because your poor physical body is burnt out and worn out. You must rest. You've been too proud and selfish to ask for any help and now the Tower is taking matters out of your hands. The Tower means it's an unsettling time where things can suddenly happen that changes your whole life particularly to do with your work. There is sudden intervention that makes you stop, uproots everything you know and makes you question the knowledge, behaviour and belief systems that you've applied in the past. It's as if you've been struck by lightening where something has stopped you and made you look at everything. You have no choice here. The Tower is ruled by the planet Mars which deals with energy, drive, assertion. It is the male side of everybody asking you to apply logic. It means that you're going to have a clean break from your career. you're about to undergo some experience that will have an effect that makes sure that things will never be the same for you at work again. It can seem very negative and very difficult to handle, all change is indeed difficult especially when it is sudden and fast like the Tower and yes it feels bad but it's a chance to start anew. You must strip all the delusions you've had about your work and be more honest with yourself. There are so many sweeping changes on the way; you must adopt an entirely different motive and different approach that's more positive. The chance to rebuild your career which will, of course, affect your entire life. Once you've had a rest you will be able to study yourself more honestly and get back that surge of energy, enthusiasm, that's so enterprising in your character. You need to make a name for yourself, yes, that's true, your ego certainly needs you to keep going but you've got to work out do you want to do this or do you want to switch to something else and do you want to be a leader or a follower. You've got to work that out and go from this point to turning to your most creative self which is possible to help you grab the opportunities that you want within your life. You know if you're honest you were in a rut and yet you felt that you were in the fast lane. Things now have changed and any decisions you make need to be thought about with integrity and honesty so that you feel that you can achieve the maximum.