You have chosen the Tower and the 6 of Wands. The 6 of Wands tells us that you are moving into victory but the Tower tells us that you are going or have gone through some sudden interventions. Life has been quite tough. Something happened very quickly which intervened with everything you knew. Your foundations were uprooted and everything that your knowledge and belief system required was being questioned. You had to move first. This was to do with work, career or studies. The Tower is affected in such a dramatic way because it is ruled by the planet Mars which is all to do with sudden energy and drives and assertion. It is the male side of everybody. It is quite a difficult card. It feels that everything we know has been attacked or ruined for there is always a need for cleansing where everything must be looked at and changed and quickly otherwise we will go on doing the same thing day in day out. You've been forced to change what you were doing to do with matters of work, career or studies or a professionalism and you have now just gone through a victory. You're travelling into continued success and you've achieved multiple successes. Good news is coming. If you've applied for a post of application to do with work you are certainly going to get some good news. If you have tried for promotion then you will certainly succeed so the Tower is necessary for you to make your move. It is difficult, sometimes unsettling but it makes us move on and fast and if you're honest you know that this change has been necessary for some time. You just needed a shake up. Perhaps everything that you had worked for was built on a belief system that was either illusions or delusions to do with maybe the people around you or maybe to do with your ideas and belief systems to do with your career. Either way you had to change things radically and suddenly. You've now got to grab the opportunities to start a new story. You've got to adopt a different and more positive approach. This will give you so many more exciting chances for as long as you understand that your previous beliefs needed to change and that they've become must more positive and the effects are more positive then you will know that this has been a good thing so out of the difficulties has come a much more successful conclusion.