You have chosen the Tower and the page of Wands. The Tower is an unsettling card for it is ruled by Mars. This deals with energy and drive and assertion, the male side of everybody. Sudden interventions have affected your foundations as if they've been struck by lightening. You're finding yourself uprooted. This is an unsettling time. It's as if you've built everything on sand and it's started to collapse. This is probably linked to travel or your work where things have changed. You've now got to be more enthusiastic and enterprising. Out of these negative times something positive is settling for you're realising that out of the bad has come plenty of good. You're starting to see others in a new light and it's stripped you of the illusions and delusions. You're being more honest and objective about your own motives. There's lots of sweeping changes coming your way. You've just got to adopt a different and more positive approach. Now is the time to be a leader and not a follower for you've realised that you need to revive what you want. You've got to speak your mind. It is important to you right now. Don't go too overboard for the page of Wands is telling you that you have a fixed focus. Now you're boisterous and extrovert and you demand that people look at you and listen to what you have to say. You are a very good communicator and used to listening to the people that are influential around you, but you command a captive audience and you're very entertaining. There are messages about your travel and that you are going further a field on a journey. Everything about you is about impulsiveness. Your energy tends to flow in different interests and projects. As long as your imagination is fired you're capable of considerable achievement but you have a lack of patience and discipline especially in the attention to practical details. You work best wherever you've got freedom of movement, whether it's mental or physical. You have an abundant physical energy and the desire of your nature is impulsive and wilful. You become impatient with the limits of everyday life. This is something you need to acknowledge and find something that suits y our talents best rather than feeling that you go flitting from one subject or project without completion and a self satisfaction of completing your goal.