You have chosen the Tower and the Page of Swords. The Tower is an unsettling card for it's all about our energy and drive. It's sudden interventions where your foundations feel they've been uprooted. It's as if everything's been struck by lightening and it sometimes has a very unsettling feel to it, as if all our plans and projects are sinking in the sand. The Tower works with the planet Mars which is energetic and driving. The assertion and the male side of everybody comes right out but things have already been tough for you. You've been trying hard, going backwards and forwards, not knowing yet where to turn. It's because you have not gained enough knowledge just yet and you need more experience and practice. These irritable and annoying problems have been setbacks to your plans but they're only minor and they are for a very good reason. It's to sweep the decks clean and start again even though things have been a nuisance and it's making you feel agitated but you are learning to gain strength and tenacity because you are focussing on your individual beliefs and you're really good at sorting things out for other people but when it comes for yourself, not so good. You're better to work in a team. You've got excellent organising and planning abilities, and working best with other people through inspiration from them gives you a degree of change and progress. By working more on the mental rather than physical, by being involved with other people, you will refine your ideas and cooperate more with your plans and projects because of the people involved and influencing you. Things certainly won't be the same again, you're moving on and you realise that out of the bad will come the new and plenty of good for you are stripping yourself of the illusion and delusions and your project is moving forward because of your own motives. Your strength of character is definitely being put to the test and it's time to go into your project with more energy and enthusiasm. Be more enterprising, it's time to look after yourself and if you work with others you would make a leader rather than a follower so put your best foot forwards and show people including yourself how you can negotiate the obstacles and revamp your plans and projects.