You have chosen the Tower and the 5 of Cups. This is an emotionally unsettling time. You feel that you've been disappointed for the Tower has struck. Now the Tower works with the planet Mars which deals with energy and drive and things will never be the same again, it's very assertive. It's the male side of everyone. It's very unsettling. It's like a bolt has struck everything that you know and intervened in a way that's uprooted all your foundations. Things have been struck and everything feels that it's been attacked. What you know around you is now crumbling but these sweeping changes may have been necessary in order for you to change. Out of the dust things will settle and be more positive. The sweeping changes must occur right now. The 5 of Cups is talking about the emotional disappointment you are experiencing. You're asking yourself why but this partial loss or the mourning of a relationship means that you have nothing to look forward to - that's how you see it, but there is emotional happiness around the corner but you've still got feelings of being let down. Things didn't live up to your expectations. You must look at this new opportunity that is trying to get in your world. This upset led you to be apathetic and bored and you're feeling quite negative. You need to stop being so sorrowful and so mournful and to realise that life goes on and that there are other joyful situations to come into your world and into your life. You will feel so much better, so you must be more dynamic and must more positive and get rid of the apathy for it's a chance maybe to speak your mind and say to others exactly what you want for a change. Don't be bad tempered, just be dynamic, make sure that there's not stopping you and that you really don't hesitate, be quick off the mark. It is a time for energy, enthusiasm and to make sure that you steer your life the way you want it to go.