You have chosen the Tower and the Ace of Cups. The Tower shows that there has been sudden intervention. Everything around you feels uprooted as if it's been struck by lightening. You had no warning of this time and it feels as if you are not ready. There's a shock, a break down and a loss but this is making way for something much better. It's time to get out of anything negative and fast. The Tower is making sure that it's clearing the decks for you and that things will not be the same again. It may be a negative time but as soon as everything is settled you will realise that out of the bad, plenty has come that is much better and good. Perhaps you're now going to see other people in a new light by not clinging to the past of standing in the way of any change. The reason for things clearing for you is because there is a new love coming into your life. Whether this is someone you already know or are in a relationship with it is hard to say but what matters is that the relationship that you are already in will change. Whether this is complete destruction between the two of you and you go your separate ways is one matter or whether or not a complete new person enters into your life your relationship is changing with someone close to you. This is a time for you and to bring out all the emotions inside of you. The message here is that you can get this just right. This is the start of a new and beautiful emotion. If you are already in a relationship, it means the relationship is going through massive structural changes for the better. Perhaps the two of you are going to work things out to the point where you pull together or you decide to let go and you'll be allowing someone new to come in for things to be on fair and equal terms this time. The Tower is ruled by the planet Mars and this means that you're going to get an input of energy. It is a time for you to be a leader and not a follower so it means that whatever you want, you're sorting it right out. You're going to speak your mind and work towards all that is important for you right now. Mars is about our need to defend ourselves, physically, emotionally and spiritually and you are now trying to define yourself as someone separate in what has felt like a potentially hostile situation. You're fighting for your individual needs, the lives of your family, your beliefs, and your principles. It's about self preservation and realising that if something's wrong, you need to battle to change it. It's not going to be a smooth time but it is certainly a time to express yourself individually.