You have chosen the Sun and the 2 of Pentacles. You have to juggle your finances. Things have been tight. You've been stretching your finances too far. This could have resulted in you having to take more than one drop. The struggle with finances meant you had to find ways of trying to be lucrative. This robbing Peter to pay Paul syndrome is getting you down. This is a lovely time for the Sun card is changing your financial opportunities. It's a shame they'll being more than one chance to make things right. The Sun shows an achievement of some sort whether it's the passing of exams, the going to university or the success of wanting to do exactly what you would like when it comes to matters of your career. It's about a logical and practical happiness that comes from your self but from the people around you such as your family. This happiness is being fully exposed now. The satisfaction of being part of a human race sometimes just feels so good and this is the time for you to realise that it's your turn to feel this good for you are realising your inner dreams and making them happen. You're bringing out the quality inside of yourself that's known as the inner child. This is the kind of feeling that goes with being excited and satisfied when you're a child makes you feel a togetherness and a happiness that just means a satisfaction of not having to worry so much. It's now about taking the opportunities that are coming your way and using your confidence to make sure that you put yourself forwards for the more choices you have the more the quality and quantity of your happiness multiplies. This is indeed a wonderful time. It's time to mix and mingle with as many people as possible. Your social circles are increasing with people who are sincere and like-minded, so this is just a time to appreciate who you are and what you want to be and let it all come to fruition. This way you will have the confidence to put yourself forwards into the opportunities that come your way when it comes to your personal happiness, that can logically be dealt with by just being in the right place at the right time and having confidence to be there and to try. The Sun card means that whatever you want, as long as you work for it, it will happen.