You have chosen the Sun and the 2 of Cups. The 2 of Cups shows us that you are in a happy, loving relationship and if you're not in one at the moment, you're about to be. There's togetherness around, a truly loving time. You're going to meet, or have met, your soul mate. This is the meeting of minds, bodies and spirits where you feel that you have true ability to go ahead and succeed in life. You have another fantastic card which is the Sun. This shows that this relationship will lead to happiness, particularly with a family. It can be to do with children being involved or a marriage. Your happiness is to be fully exposed. This is a logical and practical time where things around you succeed. There's togetherness and a feeling of being part of the human race. If you are taking exams it is an extremely good card. This shows that you can go on to university or the university of life. What it means is your workplace is at its maximum potential so go for it. Your professionalism couldn't be better. You must grab all opportunities as they arise. Your goals and objectives are going to succeed and you will deserve the success that you get. You've worked hard. You're full of energy and enthusiasm and your high spirits and your sincerity get you noticed. This is what attracts plenty of opportunities to go off and get your projects off the ground. Things are going from strength to strength and there is no doubt that happiness, contentment and satisfaction are certainly around you. You can go on to face life's challenges with a feeling of strength, for you express yourself as a totally unique individual which goes on to satisfy the feeling that each of us, which is that it is good to be alive.