You have chosen the Sun and the 10 of Swords. The 10 of Swords shows that recently you've been mentally restricted. This is because of a group of people where you felt at a total loss. You felt you were betrayed and there was nothing physical in your loss but you were made the scapegoat, stabbed in the back, betrayed and made to take the brunt of everything going wrong. You didn't have their support. The Sun card is asking you to move on, to leave that behind and to realise that the 10 means that's over. It's a previous, past position and you must let go of that experience and move forwards now and see that that was a push to get you to go to the next step. Sometimes we need to leave people behind and the Sun card is explaining that you're now more confident. Through experience you have learned to be in touch with who you are. The Sun is about the inner child in all of us. It's about the excitement we get from doing something that causes us to be happy through something that we've done that is logical and practical. Your happiness is about to be fully exposed. This could be that you're passing exams or going on to succeed in education or within your professional life. It can also be to do with the success of a marriage, relationship or children. It's about being happy to be belonging to a pack of humans, whether in a social, professional or spiritual group. It doesn't matter, for it's about realising that you're confident enough to stand up as a unique individual within that pack and to realise that you are with like-minded people but you're not entirely the same. You are unique. The Sun is about discovering who you are and getting to know yourself. That's quite an experience. It teaches us the value and meaning of life and to put some sort of personal value on to things where we contribute our unique and individual talent to life. This can be a revelation of something spiritual or religious or it can be to do with our family, our dreams of fulfilling our job, or our education. It doesn't matter, it's all about the confidence of you being unique but being part of a group of like minded people who vibrate on the same frequency as you do.