You have chosen the Sun and the Queen of Swords. The Sun is a wonderful card for it deals with the happiness inside of you. It's about the inner child coming out, the laughter, joy, excitement and really enjoying life. It's a lovely time. It's the practical happiness that comes from being part of a family or a group where you feel the comfort of other people and the affection and the inspiration from those around you. Your happiness is now to be fully exposed. This can be to do with passing exams, the success of life, going on to university, a job or a marriage and the children that may be involved for you. It's the inner child that feels complete, the togetherness that comes from being happy, to belong to a pack of humans. You're someone that works best on your own and you're very focused when it comes to anything highly intellectual. You have the tenacity to get through and you love working for and on behalf of other people. In fact, you're probably your family's diplomat. You're are someone that's able to calm and soothe anything down but this is a time for joy and laughter and it's to do with really enjoying the company of those like minded people around you where you feel their support and inspiration and satisfaction of doing well. It really is a time for contentment and satisfaction. This is happiness. Success is coming your way and you're now starting to feel confident. If you're working, you'll find that this is a very favourable time particularly if you're looking for the attention from your colleagues or your superiors. Everyone around you is really doing well and they're enjoying your company. The presence is making you feel stimulated and encouraged to go on. You're gaining more energy and this means that your high spirits can take you from strength to strength. Your projects are getting off the ground and people are impressed simply by the fact that you are trying but in your case, you'll achieve for you have the Queen of Swords which shows a strong focus to keep going to the bitter end, and to really work for and on behalf of your family until you feel that you've achieved your top goal.