You have chosen the Sun and the Page of Wands. The Sun is a wonderful card for it shows the logical, practical happiness that comes from being part of family or unit. It is where you are most confident and your happiness is to be fully exposed. The Sun is linked to Leo, the start sign which deals with the child inside of all of us. It's about getting excited and achieving things and looking forward to the goals that you make in achieving them. Success is definitely guaranteed in anything that you want to do right now particularly when it comes to relationships such as marriage, children or friendships, for it is the inner child inside of yourself that is happy to belong to another pack of humans. You are linking this to travel, maybe you are thinking of going further a field, particularly when it comes to work matters even if you know this in it's infancy it shows that you have a very fixed focus. You are a boisterous and extrovert character and you need people to listen to what you have to say. Better still if they look at you as well. For you're a very good communicator and you have something to say, particularly to an admiring and captive audience, for you are something that likes actions and anything to do with adventure would be good. It's about the comings and goings that go on, the travel and movement within your life, connected with your career. You do well wherever you can be outdoors, for the outdoors helps you remain stress-free. Wherever you can, bring up a physical creative skill that will just help you remain relaxed and stress-free, so anything such as walking or gardening or any sports activities that can help you release any energy that is boundless from you. This would help you feel that you are balanced within yourself, for the Sun card shows there are lots of achievements to be made and lots of new starts when it comes to matters of travel and work. It is important that within your work you are involved in a way that your individual creations can be given shape for you need to pursue knowledge and go on physical and intellectual journeys which will help expand horizons and give you a broader perspective of life. You're capable of being easily bored and restless particularly when a goal starts to work out for you. You need the freedom to keep moving from one project to another. As long as your mind is constantly challenged you will remain fresh, confident and enthusiastic.