You have chosen the Sun and Page of Swords. The Sun is a wonderful card for it deals with the logical, practical happiness that comes from being a human being. It's about the achievements you have in your life where your happiness is to be fully exposed. It can be to do with the passing of exams, going on to succeed in life, marriage, children, owning a home, a feeling that you want something for yourself and the achievement of getting it. It's the togetherness that feels that you're happy to belong to a pack of humans. You may have been experiencing some minor setbacks that have caused you to feel irritable and annoyed but you are someone who is young and has much to learn. Your plans are in their infancy and although things have been a bit of a general nuisance, do not worry about people gossiping for you are clever enough to go along on your journey and realise that you're plans are at an early stage and that you need more practice, experience and knowledge and that the to-ing and fro-ing is part of learning. This will lead to the happiness, contentment and satisfaction that you want. You realise that this will give you confidence for your work day matters are going from strength to strength and the people around you are supporting you and feeling that they really enjoy your company, for you give them happy dealings and they are really, really aware that your current high spirits are sincere. You stand out and do make people feel good. You know that you've got a sparkling personality and that you really are just exploring all your talents. You haven't quite found your niche yet. You're giving your confidence a boost by realising that it's time to show who you are even if it doesn't mean that you've achieved the full capacity of full achievement you're having a go and you're indulging in what you love and enjoy. Your sunny disposition is allowing people to feel that they are happy whilst they're around you and that you lift their spirits by trying hard, even though you may not have completely succeeded most people enjoy the journey of trying and the achievement of the support of friends, family and the close community that supports you and encourages you to do whatever makes you happy.