You have chosen the Sun and the Page of Pentacles. The Sun is a wonderful card, for it deals with the inner child within you. It means that you're getting on with the practical happiness that comes from belonging to a family. You're happiness is to be fully exposed. You have the support of those around you whether you're passing exams or going on to succeed in the university of life. Anything that links you with the togetherness and the happiness of belonging to a pack of humans is wonderful. You now have a confidence to go ahead and get on with some tangible actions. You work hard and you've earned the right to move on. But things happen slowly with you. It's linked to the finances of your world. You will always put your financial security first for seeing is believing with you. You are someone who has very fixed focus. You are capable to studying hard and deep, whether you are young or old. You are going about learning new ways to make some money. You are educating yourself for this is all about the goods and the material possessions where you have the support of those people around you. The way you work towards your goals is to make sure that there is order and stability. You need to make some practical and useful contributions to life so anything that helps you develop your self esteem and your inner sense of authority will work well for you have to work slowly and patiently towards your goal, particularly towards a position of responsibility and you're not there quite yet. You need to feel that you're creating something that's lasting and will outlive you. You will feel most fulfilled where you're allowed to exercise your authority and make some decisions, which will help to improve the situation and the lives of other people. You get on with your studies better later on in life for things with you are slow in development. You need to acquire the practice and experience of living and the knowledge of experience before you can go on and make it, for these are early stages right now and there is more to be learned. It is a question of patience, which you seem intent on acquiring thorough, meticulous attention to detail, which will guarantee your material and financial success.