You have chosen the Sun and the Page of Cups. These are two very happy cards, particularly to do with emotions. The Page of Cups is telling you there are small messages of love and romance coming into your life, and although you are someone who has a day-dreamy attitude to life, and somewhat of a childlike infectious character, your vivid imagination is going to bring about the meeting of a like-minded soul. This will probably be a crush or infatuation between the two of you but together you can dream up new ideas and have a flamboyant attitude towards life. So what if it's not going to last forever - enjoy. You may feel there is an immaturity in what you are doing but enjoy the dramatic and theatrical side of being with somebody who simply wants to romance and amour for just you. The Sun card is indeed all about the inner child coming out inside of you. It's a lovely time. It's about practical happiness that comes from the back up of your family. This happiness is to be fully exposed and it's the joy of being in a relationship with somebody who is having the fun side of their character come to the forefront and to be romantic and happy. The Sun card is also about your own personal happiness. It's the practical happiness that comes from being capable of succeeding in whatever you want to do. This happiness is fully exposed when it comes to the passing of exams and going on to things like universities, colleges, or further education. It is the success of making things happen. If you're applying for a job this is an excellent time to show what a loveable character you are and how good you are at your job: indeed, how much you enjoy doing what it is you are asked to do. This is also about being involved with a pack of humans, whether it is involved in a family, a marriage, or just in a relationship, it doesn't matter. It is even the taking part of a group activity at work or being part of a community. It is about enjoying who you are, what you're doing and the theatrical side of having a good sense of fun in the area that tickles your fancy at the time. You have a diversion and commitment to your loved ones and such a creative ideal. You need big ideas and creative projects. Start thinking about your dress and your personal style whether it be at home, work, or the car you drive. It's where you childlike spirit needs to come out and be childish. It's the success of having confidence. Everything will go from strength to strength because you believe it will and by your attitude others feel better just by being in your company. It's all about your high spirits and your cheerfulness. This is what makes you stand out from the crowd. Enjoy every minute.