You have chosen the Sun and the 9 of Cups. The Sun is about the inner child and a lovely, happy side of our life. It's to do with family and the complete success of completion of something that is dear to our hearts. It's about contentment and it tells of satisfaction. Success is definitely assured and it means that things are going well. You've got plenty of energy and you're making sure that you're working hard at the things you feel blessed by. It's all these things that make us feel good. It's about children, families, happiness, friends and babies. It means that things are pretty good. You are really enjoying life and making sure that you are really sitting exactly where you want to for life feels pretty good. It's all about the logical, practical happiness that comes from being part of a pack of humans. The 9 of Cups is a wish card and it shows that you've really always ever wanted love, children, happiness and you in your world but you're also someone that feels blessed and you're happy and content. You healthy and have enough for your needs. You'd like a little bit more, but you know that the curiosity to want to know more about life is probably more to do with knowledge more than money. You're someone that really does enjoy the good things in life and you like good food, wine, company and the nice, gentle things that make you feel good. Be careful that you don't overdo it on the food and the drink. Make sure that you feel that you're happy with your relationships and that you really do enjoy letting everybody know how much you appreciate them and how blessed you feel, for you feel that life is indulging you in pleasure and love.