You have chosen the Sun and the Knight of Swords. The Sun is a really lovely card, for it deals with the inner child in all of us. It's about the male, logical, practical happiness that comes from being part of a family or a community. It's where an achievement of happiness is fully exposed. Something like the passing of exams, the going on to succeed with marriage, or children. It's the inner child of oneself and the togetherness and happiness of belonging to a pack of human beings. You are someone that's still searching. You're quick and shrewd but you're looking for more knowledge and more stimulation. You're impetuous and sometimes a little bit unpredictable and although you're a loner you like to be stimulated constantly on the go, but you're like a child with a new toy. You get bored very easily. This is a chance for you to realise that your creative talents are coming out and your confidence has just been given a bit of a boost. You're someone who has to really let people see exactly where your talents are for you really do have a wonderful personality and anything that's important to you will go really well right now. This is a really good time for it's all about happiness and contentment of satisfying yourself with something that means a lot to you. Things are going from strength to strength right now and you certainly are attracting the right kind of attention. You're realising that things are feeling quite blessed and that you're content enjoying the company of others whether it's to do with friends, family, or a baby, it really is quite a good time for high spirits and having joy, laughter, and satisfaction within your life. The achievements you've got will attract the right sort of attention which means that your projects will go from strength to strength. It's a good time to have energy, to go ahead and do whatever it is that you've really wanted for yourself for you have the confidence right now to show your talents off and make yourself known. This is not the time to hide; this is the time to shine.