You have chosen the Sun and the 4 of Swords. The 4 of Swords explains that this is a time for you to put your strength into reserve. You're being asked to take a bit of a mini break. It's a period of rest. You need to do nothing, put your self into exile and go into some sort of recovery and retreat. You need some time out, it's a sanctuary: a holiday would be great. This is a time for you to take no action but to do some thinking and contemplate what you want from life, for the Sun is asking you to look at what you want to do next. The Sun is a truly wonderful card for it's about reflecting who you are as an individual and yet it's connecting to belonging to a pack known as a family or a group of people who you call y our friends. So it's about knowing yourself and remaining loyal to who you are and making some choices with clarity and honesty. This is why you need some time out to reflect and to plan. It's about getting to know who you are and seeing yourself as a separate being. This will give you some value and meaning for you are looking for your identity. You might find this within a family, a job, or within your friends where you fulfil your dreams and your longings. It's about feeling that you're contributing something that feels important and worthwhile and putting your own emphasis upon it. This can give you a personal value and confidence. It's about the practical happiness that comes from being part of a group, a family, and going on to achieve what you want for yourself. Now, this could be the passing of exams, the owning of a property, going on to succeed in university, an apprenticeship, promotion, a business, marriage, children, any of these things where you feel that's it a logical, practical happiness that comes from being unique within a group.