You have chosen the Sun and the 4 of Pentacles. This is a time to watch your spending. Money is going out quicker that it is coming in. Perhaps in the past you've put all your emphasis on your material goods and you've put a lot of emphasis upon your possessions. It is now time to realise that the material side of wealth is one aspect only. The Sun is asking you to get in touch with the other side of your nature that is practical, logical and leads to your happiness. You've been putting far too much emphasis upon your financial status. It is time to realise that your happiness needs to be fully exposed. This comes from succeeding in life whether it is that of having the happiness that comes from passing exams or going on to university of whether o not it is to do with the achievement of having a family, a union of marriage or getting in touch with yourself for the Sun card is linked to the inner child within all of us, which means it gives us the confidence to be happy with who we are and what we want in life. This emphasis needs to come in balance so that it is not just determined by how much we earn and the acquisitions of possession but by being part of something such as a family or group where we feel content in the closeness of belonging to another pack of humans. You've learnt a lot of valuable lessons and you've learnt that unless you put your mind to something, it will not appear out of the blue. You must work out what you want and what makes you happy and go for it, for you have the optimism now to realise that opportunities need to be grabbed at. You need to be a little bit more in touch with the person inside of you that longs for the security of surrounding yourself with the pleasures in life that are free. These things can include your family, your work and your achievements, within your education or just simply good old fashioned hobbies. Whether this is travel or the learning of another language, it doesn't matter. As long as it's something you wish to achieve for yourself, just to make you happy and to satisfy you, it does not matter for there is more to life that just counting up how well you've done by looking at your bank balance.