You have chosen the Sun and the 5 of Wands. The 5 of wands is showing you that you have physical battles, daily setbacks, challenges and struggles with other people. It is as if everything seems hard work but you are definitely getting there, it's just that you are learning a lot. The Sun card is a lovely card. It's to do with the male, logical, practical side of all of us and it is about your happiness being fully exposed as you achieve certain things in life. You are a person who needs to be a unique individual. You have a power to express yourself through your creative efforts and in doing so you get to know yourself better. You make choices with great clarity and honesty because of the experience of knowing yourself as a separate worthwhile being gives you some value and meaning in life. You are expressing this through your family, your job and your independence with life. People who you feel you're having mock battles with are not vibrating on the same frequency as you and therefore go through life unfulfilling their dreams, desires and longings but you are a unique and important individual who contributes their style putting their personal value upon everything that they do and because you dare to be yourself you find that people in your social or professional group are expressing their criticism or envy towards you because of your value upon individual excellence. It's sometimes a struggle to express ourselves because of the opposition that we meet by those who do not, but it makes you a stronger person because you now face life's challenges with a feeling of strength because you are happy to call yourself a unique individual. You feel truly satisfied by the personal choices and excellences that you strive to make your own, such as your career and within your family. It is personal goals and values that are a necessary development of feeing part or connected to the human race, so you must continue to be confident of who you are and what you are so that you can continue to be successful. Do not let these mock battles and daily challenges with people who do not vibrate on the same frequency as you pull you back or hold you and suspend you in the same position that you are in, for you can go on and achieve and acquire more knowledge and personal excellence in everything you do.