You have chosen the Star and the 2 of Cups.. These are two exciting cards and actually really lovely for you. The Star deals with your hopes and wishes where you are carefully keeping one foot on land and the other testing new waters. This is to do with your principles and your ideals in life. You're working on your aspirations and your social life is growing. You have standing within the community and are recognised for your efforts and your abilities but the Star is also about your hopes and wishes for your personal life. You are testing the waters and this is a truly lucky time for you. You are happy and have had a wish fulfilment granted. You've wished for this for yourself and it's all about your personal happiness which is to do with a relationship with somebody who you care about deeply. If you've not met this person yet then you are going to. The 2 of Cups tells us that you are going be a happy couple if you are not already and truly in love with each other. There is a togetherness about it, as if you have found a soul mate and a deep, deep friend. You've found someone to share life with who agrees on your ideals and principles and has a unique positive outlook, the same as you. Together you can be a complete team so it gives you the confidence to go ahead and stick to your principles and your ideals, making sure that everything you do is what you truly want for yourself rather than just going along with it. This is the secret of personal happiness knowing what you want and working towards it. Your careful to stick with things that you know will provide the comfort and security of what you need for yourself but you're a little daring in the way of finding out what it is that truly makes you happy so you are starting new projects to do with being happy yourself. These could be hobbies or assignments that you've always wanted to do and you have the strength of your convictions and the support of someone who cares that you are happy to give you the confidence to go ahead and try it out. Although it is a loving and emotional relationship physically you are strong as a team. It is the coming together of minds and emotions that gives you the confidence and strength to feel that you are truly happy with what you want.