You have chosen the Star and the 3 of Pentacles. This deals with everything in a small working environment. You're looking at an elevated position. You're someone that should not be self employed for you are someone that needs to start at the bottom and work you way upwards. There's been skill in training involved in what you're doing. This is why you need to go from zero to the top floor. You're working with lots and lots of people but it's probably because you're in a small intimate office and working in a big environment such as a hospital, university or a school. There's lots of cooperation necessary in what you're doing and there's lots and lots of development learning of new skills where you have to work in a very small team and on a production line. The Star card works with Aquarius and this is all about the hopes, wishes and aspirations that we have within our life. It's about the social life and the community that goes on around us where we get involved with people for and on behalf of our principles and our ideals. It's about the hopes and wishes we have for who we are and what we do and we've got one foot firmly on land while we test new waters and find out how things are. We're talking about achieving things gently, slowly and making sure that we are secure before we take the plunge. The Star is a lucky card for it's all about the development of your own personal wishes and what you've wished for yourself which gives a very good, strong healing to the mind, body and spirit for you are indeed at ease with all situations and your personal happiness is developing through the fact that you enjoy your life and your happy and comfortable within your own skin.