You have chosen the Star and the 10 of wands. The 10 of wands shows that you are carrying a complete burden to do with your work or your career. You can see the woods for the trees, you are so tired. Why are you so proud and independent to ask for any help? Please go back and delegate. This burden is far too heavy a load for one person. There is a part of you that is stubborn, proud and selfish. You lack trust in other people; that is wrong. Your poor physical body is worn out, tired, and is burning out. You need to rest. The Star card is asking you to look at things differently. You must be in touch with your hopes, wishes and aspirations. Are you dealing with your principles and ideals? Have you got a social life? Do you have a standing in the community or are you simply all work and no play? Your hopes and wishes come from testing new waters very gently. You must stay firmly where you are for now and look at things gently to make soft little improvements within your life. The Star card is a lucky card. We all create our own luck. We invest in the present for the future with no guarantees. The wish fulfilment comes from making yourself happy. What you've wished for yourself is a strong healing process for the body and the medical side of this card is very simple. You need to be in balance. Your mind, your body and your spirit. At the moment you are out of balance. You are working so hard there's no time for anything else. If you are truly happy with what you are doing that is fine to some degree but to what cost - your poor body can't take that much. It will tell you because it will give up on you when you least expect it making you have a slight illness that puts you back for weeks. This is no way to live. The Star card is asking you to be happy, to delegate, to strengthen what you love and believe in and to go for something that is not so aggressive where you have to work every hour and work your fingers to the bone. That is not what the Star card is about. You're being asked to have a balance between your work, your personal life, your social life and your hobbies. Your emotional side of life needs to be in balance just as the physical side does otherwise everything breaks down. The Star card is telling you your personal happiness and your wish fulfilment are there, you just need to slow down, be happy and Start looking gently for something new.