You have chosen the Star and the 10 of Swords. The 10 of Swords is a card of humiliation and it shows that you've been betrayed and that you've experienced a total loss. There's nothing physical in this loss, this was just a complete let down and lack of support and betrayal from a group of people who you felt would not do this. This has led to you feeling absolutely exhausted as if you've been the scapegoat for everybody else's plans backfiring and you've taken the brunt of it all but you know that you let them and that you must move on from this. There was nothing physical about this. You now need to be more courageous and not to take on board the exhaustion and the drain of other people's problems. Other people are responsible for their actions, you're not the scapegoat. It's time now for you to work on you. The Star card is a healing card and it's a very lucky card and a very happy card. It is here to tell you that what you've wanted for yourself is coming. you're now inspired to do something for you where you have dreams and aspirations and that you're planning to work your way through them. You're no longer lacking in confidence. You're confidence is surprisingly huge and causing you to take on board the principles and ideals of which you believe in for yourself. You're testing new waters and you're finding out that you are someone who has more strength and courage that you ever thought before. You're no longer lacking in yourself or in life. you're opening doors and looking at the possibilities of what might be, working towards manifesting something that's better than what you've been receiving for you've realised that you must create your own luck. You're going with your hunches and you're having faith in your dreams and you've got the courage to go through with it, even though there's no guarantee of how it's going to work out. You're deciding that life is probably on your side now and that you've got to be more positive. The more positive you are the better opportunities will manifest themselves. This is about hope, courage and enthusiasm.