You have chosen the Star and the 10 of cups. This is an extremely lovely reading. You've got a wish card, which is the Star card and you've also got one of the most positive cards in the pack which is about the bliss and the happiness within the family or a relationship which is the 10 of Cups. The 10 of cups can signify a marriage between people. If you're not already married you may be living with someone or about to think of them as your life partner. It shows you've got a very strong relationship and if you have no-one in your life, you're about to make way for someone. This means getting along with large groups of people whether it's your family or whether it's a group of people that you live with or that you really enjoy the friendship of. It's about bliss and happiness, particularly with family. Life is cosy and dreamy and very successful within your relationships, which lead you to happiness and to feel that you are grateful for what you've got. This usually goes along with having a nice home, children, animals, nature surrounding you and everything being just as you would like it to be for your world not anyone else's. The Star card shows you can have a little bit more. Wow! This is because it deals with your hopes and your wishes and your aspirations coming true. It's about your social standing within the community and how you deal with your principles and ideals. You're true to yourself and follow things through the way that you'd like to see them done. You work hard at what you do. Yes, there's an element of luck, but you know that you have to work extremely hard to get what you want, particularly in emotional relationships. The Star card is talking about what you would like to do in life and it's about testing the waters and finding out whether you enjoy certain hobbies or aspects of what makes you tick. It's a very good time to heal anything that feels like it was ill or not working so well particularly any health issues, especially if they were to do with emotional hang ups. Your personal happiness is absolutely at a maximum and you are doing really, really well.