You have chosen the Star and the Queen of Pentacles. The Star is about the hopes, wishes and aspirations that we want for our world and it works with an air sign which is Aquarius. This deals with the principles and ideals that we have in our world and the standing that we have within our community. It works on the hopes and wishes that we have to test new waters and invest in the present for the future. It shows that you have an enquiring mind and that you are keen to find out more about knowledge. You're happy and you enjoy the fulfilment of life when you are developing yourself and the knowledge around you. This has a very strong, calm influence over your life and makes you feel happy for you know that you know yourself better than anyone and that you reward yourself by the things that keep you stimulated and make you feel that it is good for the development of your well-being. The Queen of Pentacles is ruled by the star sign Virgo and this is to do with financial success for the Pentacle people are all to do with material success within our world. You are someone that holds a motherly position, but this is definitely a card of wealth and abundance. You will be financially secure by your own financial success. It shows that you are able to nurture the things that you feel are important in life and you like nice things. You pay a lot of attention to detail and you're highly materialistic. You may have links to do with attention to detail for you're someone that works best under the surface of others so you can be dutiful and meticulous in your attention to the detail that matters for the job to be done correctly. The Pentacle people deal with things and work hard towards the earning of major finance. You always put your material security first; for you, things must be backed by tradition, for seeing is believing. There must be a guarantee that there is a plan to get you to your goal that is more or less guaranteed by hard work. It deals with goods and possessions in one way or another, and you have got to work hard and earn the things that happen in your world. But you make sure that the attention you have to detail means that you are extremely good at what you do and your reward is finance.