You have chosen the star and the Page of Pentacles. The Pentacle people are ruled by Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus which are all to do with an earth family. Now this deals with the goods and possessions in one way or another in our world. It's about working hard and making things happen and earning the right to say that you've worked for your money. Things happen slowly then for the Pentacle people for there are no quick get rich fly by night schemes. It's all to do with major, material aspects of life. You are someone that will always put this kind of thing that is your financial security first. For you, seeing is believing and everything is based and backed by tradition. You're very routed and earth bound and no that you have to take your duties and obligations seriously. The Page of Pentacles shows that there is a new message of a financial opportunity for you. You have a very fixed focus. There's deep study involved in this whether you are young or old and so you must start from the bottom and make your way up. You know there is plenty to learn and lots of development and you're learning ways to train and make your money by educating yourself. This is because the star works on your hopes and wishes and deals with your principles and ideals. It's about the aspirations you have for yourself and the fact that it's a lucky time and you are happy working towards your wishes and making sure that your goals happen by deciding that you have an emotional Investment to something that you will need to work hard at so that you have a material gain. You know this is the best way to personal happiness for you and that this is where your happiest making things come true and making sure that you feel constantly stimulated by the learning of knowledge where you can test new waters and enjoy yourself immensely with the ability to continue to learn more about the knowledge of what it is that you're interested in.