You have chosen the Star and the 9 of Cups. What a wonderful combination of cards you have. Both of these are wish cards. There's no doubt that what you want in life is happening or is about to happen. The 9 of Cups - this is such a good card. It's the wish card. This is about your personal wish fulfilment and you're going to be happy and contented with life. You've got your health and your wealth and enough for your needs. You've got a healthy lifestyle and you're curious to know what's around the corner and to want to know a little bit more and to do a little bit more. You must be careful that you don't be too greedy in the sense of excessive alcohol, food or drink. Apart from that, you're doing just fine. The Star card is also a wish card so you got double whammy here! Well, this is about your aspirations, your social life and your standard of practice within the community. This is about making your principles and ideals really happen. You've got one foot steadily on land and the other one testing new waters and finding out what lady luck is doing for you. This is such a lucky card. This is again about being happy and having your wishes fulfilled. It's what you've wished for yourself and it's a very strong time of healing, so if you've been through some tough times, now is the time to get better and to move forwards. This is about your own personal happiness and making your aspirations come true and standing up for what you really, really believe in. This would also imply that both of these cards will mean that you'll be successful, especially in finances and materialistic side of life. You're lucky enough to be very well off on the emotional side. You are going to have your heart's content and you're actually lucky enough to enjoy what you do and make a living out of it. You've got a cheerful disposition and people trust you and you're so enthusiastic that other people like to be beside you - it makes them feel better about themselves. You give them their inspiration and the enthusiasm to help them along their way and be as optimistic as you are - well done!