You have chosen the Star and the Knight of Swords. The Star is a wonderful card for it deals with our hopes, wishes and ambitions. It's about the aspirations we have in life and the things that we hold dear to our hearts such as our social life and our standing within the community. It's about the principles you have as a person and the ideals that you want from life. Your hopes and wishes are keeping you firmly on the land and you've got you feet full of responsibility. You are dutiful and very inspiring towards other people. You are testing new waters very gently and realising that this is really a lucky time for you. You're feeling happiest when you're working for and on behalf of other people for this wish fulfilment with having a niche within the community or within your family where you're providing something that you care about and know other people appreciate. You're dealing with like-minded people. This is a time for laughter, joy, excitement and the ability to have ambition to see something through from Start to finish. It has a very spiritual satisfaction and a very strong healing for you are working towards something that means a lot to you. Your personal happiness is certainly where you've found your niche and you're enjoying what you do best but you're finding that some of your projects are frustrating for they are not taking off as quickly as you hoped. But you're shrewd and you know that you have to yo-yo backwards and forwards like anything. A little more knowledge, practice, to avoid the problems and negotiate the obstacles is part of the path of learning here but you are sometimes a little impetuous and always looking for things to happen quickly. This makes you a little unpredictable at times and you bore very easily, so you need to do something that keeps moving on where you are able to give it your full energy to the capacity that it so deserves and then to move on and change direction, again going in with full energy. You're someone who is happy-go-lucky and this is because you know when to leave something alone and not to stay with something just for the sake of doing so. You realised in the past it can make you miserable and that your focus just isn't there so this is good for you for you have learnt a lot about yourself and know how you work best. Your strengths are to continue working towards your goal full of spirit, enthusiasm and working for and on behalf of others and your weakness is you sometimes give up before your project is complete, becoming a little bit bored.