You have chosen the Star and Knight of Pentacles. This is to do with the goods and possessions in one way or another of your world. It's about working hard and making sure that you've earned the right to own the things that you've got. You work hard as long as there is an emotional attachment to what you're doing. You are prepared to graft hard until it happens so therefore things happen very slowly for Pentacle people. It's to do with major finance. You're someone that always puts your material security first for you, seeing is believing and it must be backed by practical experience with more or less 100% guarantee that you know the journey and the plan to get to your goal. You're someone that's elevating yourself in working your way towards this goal. You've got your feet firmly planted on land. You're someone that takes your time to get from a to b and Pentacle people are earth bound. These are the signs that affect the Pentacle people. It's Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. Now what that means is that you are happy to work hard towards a goal but you need to make sure that it is not built on fantasy but that it is backed by fact. There must be some sort of guarantee that you know that if you put the work in you'll definitely, definitely have success assured such as the working towards a qualification. You know this makes sense. You're someone that deals with principles and ideals and you surround your social life and the community around you by like minded people. You're happiest when you're learning more knowledge and testing the waters new to find out what is happening but you have meticulous attention to detail and this is to do with the wish fulfilment for yourself. You enjoy learning knowledge. It has a very strong healing, calming effect on you and it makes you happy when you develop a sense of understanding about how everything connects together and works best, so you realise that anything that involves paying attention to the smallest of detail works well for you. You're someone that needs to take their time and you are someone who works well and has the ability for you to continue to learn and go on to promote yourself further and further and further into your career.