You have chosen the Star and the Knight of Cups. The Star is a really lovely card for it shows you're working towards your hopes and wishes and making them your principles and ideals. It's about the aspirations you have in life and acquiring them. You're testing new waters and you're finding that this is quite a lucky time. You've got one foot firmly on land and the other gently finding out how you feel about these new aspirations. The Star helps you build up your social life within the community. It's about the happiness you have for wish fulfilment. Things that you wish for yourself, you're now making sure are happening to you. Its about the personal happiness that's in all of us. It's a very strong healing card. That's not surprising for while you're enjoying yourself, your body is relaxed having fun and giving you it's absolute maximum for sometimes we can push far too hard. Linked also with the happiest suit, the cup family, you find yourself in transit and that you're moving elegantly from one situation to the next. There maybe a new love coming into your life. This may be with the person that you're already with for you are both working towards happier times, or it may be that you're about to embark on a new relationship. Either way you're set to have some good times for you're truly mixing an d blending with what you want from life. There are new social invitations coming your way. You're discovering new ground. Your enthusiasm builds up to unpredictability when you realise that you have a confidence within yourself and that life is not so bad. Indeed this is card that brings us hope. It is best and at it's maximum in the summer season, round about the June/July and August period. You will find that what you've wished for is starting to bring you lots and lots of personal happiness so it's about being as outgoing and as optimistic as you are right now and you'll find yourself in very high spirits. Relationships are extremely good at the moment and if you're getting to know somebody you'll find that you have a very long lasting friendship together.