You have chosen the Star and the 4 of Swords. The 4 of Swords is asking you to take a break. You've been mentally exhausted recently. It's time to put your strength in reserve and realise that a period of rest is really necessary. You're being asked to look at your thoughts and do nothing else. This is not a time of action. You need to recover and you need some sanctuary to think and plan what you want to do next. This retreat will give you chance to plan what you want for yourself for the Star card is about your hopes and your wishes. It's about aspiring to what your principles and ideals in life are really about and mixing and blending with people who are like minded. You need to gently test the waters and to be cautious about the energy levels that you want to invest. This is a very lucky time for you, test the waters gently, keeping common sense and investing in something of what can seem like a dream that you aspire towards it and if you care enough about it you can make that dream a reality. The more outgoing and optimistic your plan, the happier you'll be for it's about having the confidence to stand out and go for what you believe in. You're being asked to imagine the possibilities and not to be fearful of your future. Don't lack faith in yourself or in life, for you know there are many doors open to you and many possibilities of what might be. You need to concentrate on working towards opportunities that come your way and manifesting them. You've realised now that we create our own luck. This is because we have faith in the future and are capable of taking a risk in the present for that future. Go with your hunches and your gut feeling and allow yourself some time so that you inspire yourself so that you can discover the clues to your own future. It's about having faith in your dreams and the desire to go along and manifest them without any guarantee of success. The thing to fear is to be a failure by aiming far too low. The message here is about hope, trust and enthusiasm.