You have chosen the Star and the 4 of Cups. You've been through some emotional dissatisfaction and you've been dwelling on something that's spoilt it for you. You've been restless and feeling sorry for yourself. There's been a missed opportunity, perhaps you've been disillusioned. You've felt as if you've been in an emotional rut and been simply bored with routine so there's been a wish to change life to see if the grass is greener on the other side. There is an offer coming but you need to be hopeful, this will change the emotion. The Star card is here to help with getting you out of this emotional rut. It's about your hopes, wishes, your aspirations and your standing within the community along with your social life. You're now confident enough to work out the principles and ideals behind your life. You've lots of hopes and wishes and you need to go ahead and think as big as possible. You've got one foot firmly on the land and the other in the water. You're testing the waters, finding out whether it makes you happy. The Star is such a lovely, lucky card. This is the card that leads to your wish fulfilment of what you've wished for yourself. It's a strong healing card and it means personal happiness is yours, personal happiness. This is such a favourable time for you, you must not be pessimistic. You've got a new project, a new partner, and you must not let the past spoil your joy and happiness. You've got to be raring to go and clear the decks of anything that's surpassed it's sell-by date. You are able to makes things happen by the belief in your own abilities and your confidence. This is opening all sorts of new doors to you. All these new fresh Starts are in the making, you've just got to believe it and get on with it. You need to attract all opportunities to your side and be more optimistic than ever. By being optimistic you are grabbing every chance you can and your enthusiasm and your excitement mean that other people feel secure in the knowledge that you know what you are doing. This is what leads to success. The more you are yourself and the more cheerful your disposition and outgoings the more opportunities are at your side.