You have chosen the Star and the 8 of wands. These are two exceptionally lucky cards for it shows, as with the 8 of wands that everything is in mid flight to you to do with matters of your career. The 8 of wands is a card of air travel so it shows that you are going to be travelling long distance. Maybe this is to do with your business communications. It is a very positive card of things happening quickly. It shows expansion and that good news about your business travels fast. It is also linked to the cupid's arrow of love which is usually possible within 8 weeks so it means that connections to do with the heart are also doing very well but the most significant matter of this card is to do with your business dealings. The Star cards works on your hopes, wishes and ideals and if you've applied for a post of application you will certainly hear good news within 8 weeks. Your social life takes on a very good new positive turn, for you're going to be in love with what you're doing. You're dealing with you principles and ideals linked to your work and your standing in the community is working on your hopes and aspirations for the future. You are prepared to invest upon the present for the future with no guarantees, just for the love of what it is you are interested in. Your hopes and wishes are all about you being careful enough to keep one foot firmly on land while you test new waters. This is indeed a lucky time for you where you have wished for yourself to have something that stimulated you and made you feel happy and give monetary gain. It's what you're wished for yourself. It has a strong healing property because you are happiest when you are at work and it deals with your own personal happiness because you are getting fulfilled and stimulated with what you do and getting paid for it. You will attract like-minded people who will become your friends and your social standing within the community. You have been able to go for something that you love and care about and turn it into a successful working career. Even if you're not a leader and just a follower, it matters not; you are truly happy and content at work and this matters because you are totally in balance in your personal life and your working life, which means that you are very much balanced in mind, body and spirit.